Bot Libre for Business

Website update 7.9.7

通过 admin 发布 Nov 7 2019, 11:24

The website was updated to Bot Libre 7.9.7

The update includes a preview of many 8.0 features including:

  • Redesigned Training & Chat Logs interface
  • AIML Map, Set, and properties file import support
  • AIML compatiblity option
  • Knowledge graph view
  • Redesigned user and bot messaging
  • NLP 4 - Bot Libre's NLP engine has been redesigned to make bots response's better, make training bots easier, and better support international languages
  • User profile avatars and friends (add bot's as your friend using @bot-name)
  • Updated support for Microsoft Speech
  • Analytic testing repository and test reports

Please let us know if you notice any issues.

For example maps and sets see,

or see the AIML 2 Rosie scripts,

or chat with Rosie,

Id: 10398280
标签: notice, announcement, website update, aiml
发布: Nov 7 2019, 11:24
答复: 0
的风景: 2524, 今天: 1, 周: 9, 一个月: 27
0 0 0.0/5