Bot Libre for Business

Announcing Bot Libre 6.5 - Deep learning, conversation flows, new training editor, synonyms, sentiment

通过 admin 发布 Apr 11 2018, 13:50

We have released Bot Libre 6.5.
Bot Libre 6.5 includes many enhancements including:

  • Deep Learning analytics as a service
  • New Training & Chat Logs browser and editor
  • Response next, and nested conversation flows
  • Exclusive topics
  • New word browser and editor
  • Word synonyms
  • Word and phrase sentiment
  • Enhanced WeChat integration

Deep Learning & Analytics

You can now create deep learning analytics for using artificial intelligence to classify images, or analyze data. You can upload Tensorflow network files and access them through Bot Libre's web interface and API.

Browse our open analytics repository for analytics that can classify images and perform other functions.

If you are interested in using deep learning for your business or project, we can also develop your neural network and analytics for you through our development services. Contact

Training & Chat Logs

Our Training & Chat Logs browser and editor have been redesigned and enhanced.
The browser and editor support new options and properties.

Response Next, and Nested Conversation Flows

You can now easily define nested conversations using a response "next".
Next lets you easily define isolated nested conversations without having to use scripting.

Exclusive Topics

You can now define a topic as "exclusive". An exclusive topic provides an isolated conversation.
When you set an exclusive topic on a response or conversation only response that have that topic will be considered.

Word Browser

You can now view all words your bot knows. You can edit the words sentiment, synonyms, and define if the word is a keyword or topic.


Synonyms let you define a word's synonyms so the bot will consider all of a words synonyms when matching responses.
Synonyms are global, so can be defined once, and apply to all of the bot's responses.
Synonyms can be automatically loaded from Wiktionary as the bot learns new words.


You can now define the sentiment for a word or phrase.
Sentiment lets the bot determine the user's sentiment or feeling about their responses and conversation.
The user sentiment can be access from Self, and it tracked and can be visualize in the bot's Analytics.


Bots connected to WeChat now support speech recognition for voice messages. Bots can now also include links, images, and menus in their responses and interface.

The 6.5 release also included a new user message interface, new response list export options, enhanced user verification, enhanced NLP, UI improvements, and several minor enhancements and fixes.

Id: 5760574
标签: notice, announcement, nlp, sentiment, website update, deep learning
发布: Apr 11 2018, 13:50
更新: Oct 4 2020, 18:55
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